Here at Alea Sport & Outdoor we feel governments and large cooperations are simply not doing enough to drive the environmental and social change we urgently need to see in the world.
Our founders have lived and worked in developing countries and know from first-hand experience what poverty, social unrest and climate change mean for people in their daily lives. Therefore Alea Sport & Outdoor supports social and environmental projects wherever help is needed. With every product, you purchase you are supporting the most urgent needs of a child and/or make a contribution to an environmental project.
Take a look at our current conscious commerce projects! Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions wherever you feel some help is urgently needed.
With your help, we are making a positive impact together!
Carbon Checkout - Crowdfund for climate change
We partnered with Carbon Checkout to crowdfund for climate change. Whenever you check out at our store you have the opportunity to round up the total sum of your purchase to a full amount and support this way renewable energy projects.
Little Lambs
Close to our hearts is the Little Lambs project in South Africa. Little Lambs is a non-governmental organization and supports vulnerable children and babies with essential items to manage their daily lives - be it nappies, blankets, sanitary items or sometimes simply a warm meal and shelter. The children we support have HIV, TB or have been abused, abandoned or orphaned due to AIDS. For more information on Little Lamps please visit their group on Facebook:
Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park
Due to the tragic bushfires, the Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park has received a lot of concerned phone calls and messages regarding the impacted wildlife from these fires.
Over the past months we have started to see a large number of injured koalas, along with other native species heavily impacted by this event. We have been treating these victims as best we can to supply pain relief, antibiotics, treatment to wounds and basic husbandry requirements. We spent most of January building extra holding enclosures as well as defending the park from the immediate threat of the fire. We will continue to prepare more infrastructure to house the extra wildlife we expect to see over the coming weeks.

We are working around the clock with a highly experienced, qualified and dedicated team of volunteers including qualified vets, vet nurses and wildlife carers to rescue, rehabilitate and care for all of the animals coming in from the bushfires.

On admittance to us, all efforts are made to rehydrate, treat and assess the wildlife by our vet care team. Many are being treated for severe burns with most burns being to their hands, feet and rumps.

We will continue to provide the best care possible for our injured wildlife, we expect due to significant habitat loss we will be building exhibits to hold the treated koalas until we can arrange release back into the wild for many of them.

Kangaroo Island is well known for its thriving koala population however over 150,000 hectares has been lost due to recent events, this will effect our koala population dramatically. We need to pull together to save this Australian icon.

Once conditions improve and we are granted access to fire ground, a qualified team will be going out to rescue wildlife caught in the fires and relocate those left without a food source or home.